
Bond Cleaning Nelson NSW




Flawless Service



Quality Cleaners

Bond Cleaning from Top to Bottom

Customer Satisfaction Is Our Priority

If you’re moving out from your rental property, your goal should be to receive your bond deposit back completely and in full. You need a 5-star bond cleaning to make sure this happens. Luckily, Exit Cleans has the bond cleaning experts, amazing customer support and unbeaten standards. We have cleaned thousands of Australian homes and have raving reviews from our customers.

Cleaning Services That We Provide

We offer a complete range of cleaning solutions.

We, at Exit Cleans, take immense pride in offering a complete range of cleaning solutions, including bond cleaning, spring cleaning, office cleaning, carpet cleaning and oven cleaning for both residential & commercial properties. One hundred percent customer satisfaction is our main priority for each and every deep clean we perform.


Fantastic job guys I am very impressed by your cleaning standards and your customer service. I will be sure to use you for my next move out clean.

- Lyn James

I am absolutely blown away by the cleaning job the team did at my property today. It has never looked so good, thank you so much for doing it so last minute.

- Helen George

Amazing clean,an absolute job well done! We got every cent of our bond back, thank you so much.

- Dale Adams


Moving out from your rental property? Your goal should be to receive your bond deposit back completely and in full. You need a 5-star Bond Cleaning Nelson service to make sure this happens. Luckily, Exit Cleans has the end of lease cleaning experts, amazing customer support and unbeaten standards. We have cleaned thousands of Australian homes and have raving reviews from our customers that will recommend our top quality cleaning services. One hundred percent customer satisfaction is our main priority for each and every deep clean we perform.

The sole job of our professional end of lease cleaners is to make sure your property manager is fully proud and satisfied with the state of the property. We do that by following our extensive bond cleaning list, which is important and essential to the best and most effective end of lease clean.

Moving out is often a stressful situation because it comes with the burden of packing, transporting and vacate cleaning. We help to eliminate the strain and stress and labour by professionally cleaning the premises for you. Exit Cleans are the experts in Bond Cleaning in Nelson and use state of the art tools and products. We complete all our cleans based on our standard checklist and any extras you select. This usually depends upon what your property manager requires.

Our team maintain the highest standards of quality with the help of our proven methodology. All our jobs go along with a service guarantee. We are qualified to provide the best results in the most reasonably priced packages. Our efficiency as well as our specific attention to detail make us stand out from the group.


Moving out of a rental property for the first time? then you will more than likely not understand what Bond Cleaning is or what’s involved. Bond cleaning is also commonly referred to as move out cleaning, exit cleaning, vacate cleaning or end of lease cleaning. What it is called depends on who you ask. Bond Cleaning in Nelson is definitely a mandatory requirement made by the property manager to the tenants so that they’ll receive their bond deposit back.

A service for Bond Cleaning in Nelson differs to a one time service and a recurring house cleaning service as the aim is for the cleaners to deep clean each area of the property rather well so as to get everything cleaned to a degree where it’s ready for a replacement tenant to move in. We like to follow a comprehensive list so that we can make sure we do our job properly. Please click on the link today to get a free instant quote for a service and hear more about our 72 Hour Guarantee.

Bond Cleaning Gold Coast


Our Bond Return Guarantee only covers the areas you have chosen in your booking.

Please see Exit Cleans full Terms and Conditions.

Bond Cleaning can consist of many different components and it is your duty to ensure you have covered them all. For instance, a complete Bond Clean usually consists of

  • Bond Clean (Deep clean of the property)
  • Carpet Shampoo Cleaning (Stain Removal Not included)

Specialty Services such as;

  • Pest Control
  • Pressure Cleaning
  • Upholstery Cleaning
  • Window Cleaning

Our quoting process covers these items individually, please make sure you have checked your quote for your inclusions. PLEASE NOTE that each item will appear on the quote as a separate service such as:

  • Bond Clean
  • Carpet Clean

Exit Cleans uses the latest cleaning techniques and products however at times ‘normal wear and tear’ applies and it is not possible for us to get the item back looking like new. We will however take before and after photos of some items to prove to the Managing Agent that without specialist intervention this is the best condition the item can be in.

General Areas
  • Remove cobwebs, insect marks and small nests where Pest control is not warranted
  • Clean fans, Air Conditioners and filters
  • Clean light fittings (where they can be safely removed and accessible)
  • Spot clean walls, light switches and power points
  • Clean skirting, architraves and doors
  • Clean drawers and cupboards including inside, doors and cupboard tops and shelving
  • Windows clean both sides (exclusions apply at heights and accessibility)
  • Vacuum sliding door tracks and clean tracks
  • Clean standard blinds, cords and rails (spot clean and dust).
  • Vacuum all the floors and carpets.
  • Mop hard floors.


  • Clean inside and outside and on top of all cupboards, doors and drawers.
  • Clean inside, outside and around stove top, elements, rings and knobs.
  • Clean inside and outside of oven, grill, doors, trays, racks, glass and knobs.
  • Clean inside, outside & behind refrigerator* and dishwasher* & microwave* space. (if applicable)
  • Clean and dry sink, drain holes, drainers and polish tap ware.
  • Range hood exhaust and filter -filter can be removed and cleaned.
  • Clean and polish splash back area.


  • Clean exhaust fans
  • Clean Inside and outside all cupboards and drawers.
  • Clean toilet, behind ‘S’ bend, around cistern & under and around toilet seat..
  • Clean bath, shower recess, remove built up soap residue on tiles and shower screens & soap holder
  • Clean sink and polish all tap ware and towel rails.
  • Clean mirrors and windows, window tracks and floors.


  • Clean Inside and outside all cupboards and drawers.
  • Clean inside, outside and behind dryer*. Remove lint. (If applicable)
  • Clean inside, outside and around laundry tub, cabinets, shelves, drawers, tap ware.
  • Clean behind washing machine* space. Clean equipment and filters (if applicable).
  • Clean all walls, windows, window tracks and floors


  • Sweep floor and remove cobwebs


Balcony (not decks or patios)
  • Sweep and mop floors, remove cob webs.

NOTE: Standard blinds are blinds with a surface that can be dusted or cleaned without requiring a specialist and or extra time. For instance, material blinds or curtains would require a Blind specialist. Venetian & Roller blinds will be quoted separately based on the number of blinds in the property. Furnished properties will require a separate quote.

*Cleaning behind/around-these items or any heavy object (as per our Terms and Conditions) over 5Kg must be moved by the client (and put back if applicable)for our cleaners to gain access and clean.

  • Dust and wipe over furniture surfaces
  • Kitchen cupboards will be cleaned if ALL ITEMS are removed and placed in front of the cupboard. WE TAKE NO RESPONSIBILITY or have no liability for any damage or breakages of cupboard items

NOTE: Standard blinds are blinds with a surface that can be dusted or cleaned without requiring a specialist and or extra time. For instance, material blinds or curtains would require a Blind specialist. Venetian & Roller blinds will be quoted separately based on the number of blinds in the property. Furnished properties will require a separate quote.

*Cleaning behind/around-these items or any heavy object (as per our Terms and Conditions) over 5Kg must be moved by the client (and put back if applicable)for our cleaners to gain access and clean.


The following services are quoted separately and will appear on your quote as a separate item.

NOTE: If they are not listed on your quote they are not included.

This list is not definitive. We have only listed the more common services, other specialty services exist such as household repairs, painters etc.

  • Carpet Cleaning
  • Blinds or Venetians
  • Garden Maintenance
  • Rubbish Removal
  • Furnished Properties
  • Pest Control
  • Upholstery Cleaning
  • Pressure Cleaning
  • Wall Washing

These items are excluded from our Bond Cleaning Service unless paid for separately:

  • We do our best to remove mould from areas however mould can be embedded into silicon, grout and other areas. These areas will require a specialist to restore back to a normal state.


Damp Spots
  • Damp spots can happen anywhere in the house, often the plaster can be affected. We will do our best to remove any mould and marks from damp spots however we can’t completely make these spots disappear. These marks can return quickly due to excess moisture.


Complete Wall Clean
  • We spot clean the walls for insect marks etc however, a full wall clean requires more time and often does not have a different result. A full wall clean is only required if marks exist beyond normal ‘wear and tear’.


  • We will do our best to clean all items with our commercial experience however discoloration happens with normal wear and tear of the property. Often grout, toilets and plastics can discolor (often into a yellow colour) over time and they can’t be returned to their original colour without specialist intervention.


Tile And Natural Rock Stains
  • We do our best to remove stains however due to the composition of the tiles or bench tops (some being extremely porous) it is not possible to remove stains without specialist intervention.


  • We do not clean ceilings.


Dangerous Areas
  • Any areas considered by our cleaner dangerous for them to operate, this includes broken cracked Power Points/switches, rubbish, bio waste or any other hazard than can be deemed dangerous.


  • Our cleaners do not clean at heights. Any cleaning that requires a ladder will not be performed. For instance, Windows in a unit complex on the second floor.


Garage Walls
  • We do not clean Garage walls or floors


Specialist Services
  • Areas that require special cleaning equipment, specialist chemicals or a trained technician. Examples are Pressure cleaners (grease on garage floor), painters (walls extremely bad) or plasterer (holes in walls).
  • Items such as fridges, furniture or any items not listed in the inclusions will not be cleaned unless otherwise agreed upon by both parties in writing and for an additional fee.


Furnished (If Applicable)
  • We will not clean inside cupboards, if items are not removed.


Kitchen items (Furnished if applicable)
  • We do not clean nor warrant all kitchen items that occupy cupboards and draws.


Furnished Property Exclusions
  • We do not clean or warrant, ‘nick knacks’, picture frames, vases, lamps, clocks, fruit bowls, linen and any item that may be decorative.


Bond Back Guarantee Exclusions with Exit Cleans

As well as the Bond Cleaning Exclusions, other exclusions exist that we can’t warrant under the Bond Back Guarantee at Exit Cleans.

Outside Windows
  • We will clean the outside windows where we can (excluding windows at heights or difficult access) however due to weather circumstances we cannot warrant them.


Outside Glass
  • We will clean outside glass where we can (excluding glass at heights or difficult access) however due to weather circumstances we cannot warrant this.


Outside Areas
  • Outside areas are areas that cannot be fully protected (closed off) from weather elements. Examples are balconies and patios, or any area that cannot be completely closed off such as an outside area of a house with only three walls. As per our inclusions we will clean any outside area as required however due to weather circumstances we cannot warrant these areas.


Post Pest Control
  • We will not be responsible and do not warrant items post pest control that may require additional cleaning directly related to the Pest Control. Examples are dead insects or animals that have accumulated due to Pest control being applied to the property.


  • We do not warrant any cleaning inside or outside of the garage.


Completion Events
  • A completion event is an event that has happened after the bond clean and within the warranty period which may influence the Managing Agents release of the bond in which the bond cleaner is not responsible for. We will not be responsible nor guarantee cleanliness in such an event. To determine these events ‘common sense shall prevail’. Examples of these events are;
    • Buildup of dead insects that were alive during the clean and have since expired.
    • A build up of surface dust that has settled after the clean.
    • Dirt or grime near a window or door that has been left open.
    • Insect/animal feaces.
    • New residents have moved or moving in.
    • Access to the property by a third-party contractor that has not been approved by us.


Kitchen items (Furnished if applicable)
  • We do not clean nor warrant all kitchen items that occupy cupboards and draws.


Furnished Property Exclusions
  • We do not clean or warrant, ‘nick knacks’, picture frames, vases, lamps, clocks, fruit bowls, linen and any item that may be decorative.



We offer a 30% DISCOUNT on all services and include FREE oven cleaning and FREE spot cleaning of walls and blinds. Our bond or end of lease cleans start at $210 for a unfurnished studio and depends on the size of your property. We offer many extra services such as carpet cleaning and pest control. Please use our online quote form for a free instant quote with no obligation to proceed.



Please go to our booking form online and add your booking. You will be able to select all the services you require and receive a price BEFORE you commit to booking. We can price match as well so feel free to email us if you find a cheaper price elsewhere for the same or service.



It is recommended that you leave the cleaners in the property while they are doing their job. You are welcome to stay if you wish however the cleaners will be quicker and more efficient if they don’t feel as if someone is watching them work. They will however give you a call half an hour before they are about to finish so that you can come and have a look once they are done with their job.


We do require basic necessities such as warm water and electricity to get the job done, but we can still do the work without any electricity, but that will cost additional charges to use our generators and we must know that generators will be required well before the day of the service.


ABSOLUTELY! We offer a service guarantee on all our bond cleans and our mission is to get your bond money back. If your agent is unsatisfied with any aspect of the job please email us the exit report within 72 hours and we will return free of charge within 48 hours to rectify.


Yes, leaving your property empty is the first thing to take care of when booking an end of lease clean. Please note that our bond return guarantee does not apply if the property is not empty. The only exception is for furnished properties.


Usually, we don’t, but if you want, we can collect the keys from the property manager or your landlord and once we are finished we can return them as well so that you can have a calm and stress-free day. There is a small nominal fee for this.


We absolutely do, we can take care of all your cleaning needs. We provide spring cleaning, office cleaning, carpet cleaning, oven cleaning and general cleaning as well as pest control.

Our Services


We offer a complete range of cleaning solutions. Our service also offers:

We offer our customers:

We Offer Our Customers: